Your argument is that humans will eventually become the limiting factor in economic systems thus AGIs will be needed to replace them.
Good strawmanning. Very subtle.
gwern: The moment an AGI even slightly outperforms a human at using the specialized-AI, the same economic reasons you were counting on as your salvation suddenly turn on you and drive the replacement of any humans in the loop.
That’s the key part. The specialized High-freq-trading software won’t be replaced, but the humans who use that specialized software will eventually be replaced if someone figures out how to make an AGI that can think about all the relevant variables and can be scaled to go faster and better than a human.
Good strawmanning. Very subtle.
That’s the key part. The specialized High-freq-trading software won’t be replaced, but the humans who use that specialized software will eventually be replaced if someone figures out how to make an AGI that can think about all the relevant variables and can be scaled to go faster and better than a human.